Your way of life

Equilibium Coaching Company provides the necessary tools that positively impact the life of each individual in three aspects; mental, physical and spiritual. If you want to be part of our community don't wait any longer and click on the "Join" button.


"Before, I was always overwhelmed by the demands of being a mother, wife and professional. Since I started the Equilibrium lifestyle in my life, I have learned to prioritize myself without feeling guilty. I now have more energy for my kids, more time for my husband and am more productive at work. It's amazing how something so simple can make such a big difference."

- Carmen Williams.

"Before I discovered equilibrium, my life was a constant state of stress and exhaustion. I was working long hours, neglecting my health and personal relationships.Changing my lifestyle has been wonderful. I now find time for exercise, meditation and quality time with my family. My job performance has improved dramatically and I feel happier and more fulfilled in all aspects of my life."

Adriana Ferreria

CEO - Texas Immigration Solutions

”Equilibrium me ha ayudado a encontrar armonía en medio del caos del mundo universitario. Antes estaba constantemente abrumado por las exigencias académicas y sociales. Ahora, gracias a técnicas de gestión del tiempo y cuidado personal, he logrado reducir mi estrés y mejorar mis resultados académicos. Equilibrium ha sido un verdadero cambio de juego para mí..”

- Joshep Miller

Our services

Life Coaching for Executives and Professionals


Please contact us if you have any questions or would like more information.

469 668 8287